

E - Mail:  rwjie@ustc.edu.cn

工作微信: smile2ben








1. Zhang, C., Ruan, W., & Xu, P., Reachability analysis of neural network control systems. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence., 2023

2. Zhang, Y., Ruan, W., Wang, F. and Huang, X., Generalizing universal adversarial perturbations for deep neural networks. Machine Learning, 112(5), pp.1597-1626. 2023

3. Wang, Z., & Ruan, W., Understanding adversarial robustness of vision transformers via cauchy problem. In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2022

4. Zhang, T., Ruan, W. and Fieldsend, J.E., Proa: A probabilistic robustness assessment against functional perturbations. In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (pp. 154-170), 2022

5. Yin, X., Ruan, W., & Fieldsend, J., Dimba: discretely masked black-box attack in single object tracking. Machine Learning, pp.1-19., 2022

6. Chen, D., Wang, J., Ruan, W., Ni, Q. and Helal, S., Enabling cost-effective population health monitoring by exploiting spatiotemporal correlation: An empirical study. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 2(2), pp.1-19., 2021

7. Huang, W., Sun, Y., Zhao, X., Sharp, J., Ruan, W., Meng, J. and Huang, X., Coverage-guided testing for recurrent neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 71(3), pp.1191-1206, 2021