

电  话:(0551)63600432

E -Mail:hrzheng@ustc.edu.cn




2013届硕士:钱立伟 – 百度(北京);陈孝续 – 百度(上海);操勇 – 讯飞(合肥)。

2012届硕士:秦瑞斌 – 百度(北京);卫 超 -- 百度(北京)。

2011届硕士:夏德国 – 百度(北京);李贵生 – 兰亭集势(北京)。


  1. 2004年获王宽诚育才奖(二等奖);

  2. 2008年度安徽省优秀硕士学位论文奖(导师);

  3. 2010年获惠普信息科学青年教师奖 。


  1. Lvxing Zhu and Haoran Zheng*,Biomedical event extraction with a novel combination strategy based on hybrid deep neural networks,BMC Bioinformatics,(2020) 21:47(通讯作者)

  2. Zhaolin Hong, Lvxing Zhu, and Haoran Zheng*, Predicting gene-disease associations via graph embedding and graph convolutional networks,2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine,p.382-389. (通讯作者)

  3. Chen C, Zheng H. Error-minimization approach to reduce protease bias[C]//BIBE 2018; International Conference on Biological Information and Biomedical Engineering. VDE, 2018: 439-443. (通讯作者)

  4. Xinying Hu, Hang Wei and Haoran Zheng*. Identification of Perturbed Signaling Pathway from Gene Expression Data by Using Information Divergence[J]. Molecular BioSystems, 2017, 13, 1797--1804 (通讯作者)

  5. Lvxing Zhu, ‡ Haoran Zheng,‡* Xinying Hu and Yang Xua,A computational method using differential gene expression to predict altered metabolism of multicellular organisms,[J]. Molecular BioSystems, 2017, 13, 2418--2427(共同第一作者、通讯作者)

  6. Liwei Qian, Haoran Zheng*, Hong Zhou, Ruibin Qin and Jinlong Li, (2013) Classification of Time Series Gene Expression in Clinical Studies via Integration of Biological Network, PLOS One 8(3): e58383. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058383(通讯作者)

  7. Qian, Liwei ; Zheng, Haoran*,Improving prediction of drug therapy outcome via integration of time series gene expression and protein protein interaction network, 2012 IEEE 6th International Conference on Systems Biology, ISB 2012,p12-16(通讯作者)

  8. Zhi Liang,* Hong Zhou, Zongxiao He, Haoran Zheng,* and Jiarui Wu,*,mirAct: a web tool for evaluating microRNA activity based on gene expression data,Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, Vol. 39, Web Server issue  p.139–144(通讯作者)

  9. Deguo Xia∗,Haoran Zheng∗, Zhiqiang Liu, Guisheng Li, Kai Zhao ,Lin Yang,  MRSD: a web server for Metabolic Route Search and Design, Bioinformatics, Vol. 27 no. 11 2011, pages 1581–1582(共同第一作者、通讯作者)

  10. Zhi Liang,* Hong Zhou, Zongxiao He1, Haoran Zheng,* and Jiarui Wu,* Expression levels of microRNAs are not associated with their regulatory activities,Biology Direct, 2011, 6:43(通讯作者)