


主要研究方向:物联网安全 (IoT Security)、网络安全 (Network Security)、网络空间犯罪(CyberCrime)



其研究围绕不断发展演化的网络空间,致力于通过数据驱动及智能增强的方法,来预测、发现、理解、并解决其中的重要安全问题。最近五年,其领导或参与了诸多安全与网络领域的研究项目,发表了一系列论文(包括8 篇安全顶会论文)。在这些工作中,其开展了世界上首个针对分布式住宅网络代理的安全研究,首批针对语音助手的攻击与防护,以及首批针对物联网互联互通平台的安全研究。其中语音助手安全性的工作荣获 2019 年北美安全研究评比最佳论文奖 (CSAW’19),恶意域名取缔的工作获得了 NDSS’19(安全顶会)杰出论文奖。此外其研究还获得了谷歌、亚马逊、脸书、阿里巴巴等公司的认可,以及福布斯杂志网络版等知名媒体的报道。




  • NDSS 2019 杰出论文奖

  • CSAW 2019 最佳论文奖


  1. NDSS’21, Your Mobile Phone is My Proxy: Understanding and Detecting Mobile Proxy Networks; Xianghang Mi, Siyuan Tang, Zhengyi Li, Xiaojing Liao, Feng Qian, Xiaofeng Wang; Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2021; Acceptance Rate: 15.2% = 87/573.

  2. SP’19, Resident Evil: Understanding Residential IP Proxy as a Dark Service; Xianghang Mi, Xuan Feng, Xiaojing Liao, Baojun Liu, Xiaofeng Wang, Feng Qian, Zhou Li, Sumayah Alrwais, Limin Sun, Ying Liu; IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2019; Acceptance Rate: 12% = 84/679.

  3. SP’19, Dangerous Skills: Understanding and Mitigating Security Risks of Voice-Controlled Third-Party Functions on Virtual Personal Assistant Systems; Nan Zhang, Xianghang Mi, Xuan Feng, XiaoFeng Wang, Yuan Tian, Feng Qian; IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2019; Acceptance Rate: 12% = 84/679.

  4. IMC’17, An Empirical Characterization of IFTTT: Ecosystem, Usage, and Performance; Xianghang Mi, Feng Qian, Ying Zhang, and Xiaofeng Wang; ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2017; Acceptance Rate: 23.4% = 42/179.

  5. CoNEXT’16, SMig: Stream Migration Extension For HTTP/2; Xianghang Mi, Feng Qian, and XiaoFeng Wang; International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies 2016; Acceptance Rate: 17.6% = 35/199.