日本九州大学高木刚教授、Kirill Morozov助理教授访问我院并做学术报告









(1)Pairing-Based Cryptography and Its Security Analysis

(2)Efficient Implementation of Pairing Based Cryptography on a Sensor Node



(1)We present a short overview of pairing-based cryptography, which is an extension of conventional public-key cryptography such as RSA cryptosystem and elliptic curve cryptography. We then explain the security of pairing-based cryptography– how to solve the discrete logarithm problems over finite fields by the function field sieve.

(2)Pairing-based cryptography provides us many novel cryptographic applications such as ID-based encryption, efficient broadcast encryption, keyword searchable encryption. The security problems in ubiquitous sensor networks have been discussed in many papers, and pairing-based cryptography is a crucial technique to solve them. Due to the limited resources in current sensor nodes, it is challenged to optimize the implementation of pairings on sensor nodes. In this talk we present some efficient implementation of pairing over MICAz, which is widely used as a sensor node for ubiquitous sensor networks.



高木刚(Tsuyoshi Takagi),博士,日本九州大学教授,国际知名密码学家,主要研究方向为密码学与信息安全。高木教授分别于1993年和1995年获得日本名古屋大学的本科和硕士学位,随后进入日本电报电话公司(NTT)网络安全实验室工作,并于2001年获得德国达姆施塔特工业大学(Technische University Darmstadt)博士学位。2001年至2009年于日本函馆未来大学任教授,2009年起任日本九州大学教授。

目前,高木教授担任IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, IPSJ Journal副主编。拥有日本、美国、加拿大、欧洲专利15项,是54个国际会议的程序委员会委员。在国际高水平期刊和著名学术会议上发表论文100多篇,如Journal of Cryptology,Designs, Codes and Cryptography, IEEE Transactions on Computers和三大密码会议CRYPTO,EUROCRYPT,ASIACRYPT等。





报告题目:Zero-Knowledge Protocols for the McEliece Cryptosystem



The code-based McEliece public key cryptosystem (PKC) is a prospective candidate for postquantum cryptography. In this talk, I will introduce a proof of plaintext knowledge (PPK) for the McEliece PKC. PPK allows a prover who encrypted a plaintext into a ciphertext to prove the knowledge of the plaintext to a polynomially bounded verifier, without actually decrypting the ciphertext. As an application, I will present the first verifiable McEliece encryption. I will conclude with a discussion on possible applications, generalizations and extensions of our results.



Kirill Morozov,博士,日本九州大学助理教授,主要研究方向为密码学与编码理论。在IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,Designs, Codes and Cryptography,TCC(Theory of Cryptography Conference),ASIACCS(ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security),ACISP(Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy)等知名国际期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文15篇,担任多个信息安全领域重要国际会议的程序委员会委员。