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  2. Wang Shuo, Wang Qiqi, Zhang Hongjie, Li Jing. Using branch-and-price to maximize redundant network utilization in cloud datacenter, 2017 3rd International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (CloudTech), 2017, pp. 18.

  3. Wang Shuo, Li Jing, Zhang Hongjie, Wang Qiqi. Nxt-Freedom: Considering VDC-based Fairness in Enforcing Bandwidth Guarantees in Cloud Datacenter, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS). 2018, pp.16.

  4. Wang Shuo, Li Jing, Wang Qiqi, Zhang Hongjie. Nxt-Max: for supporting VDC-based maximum redundant bandwidth allocation in cloud datacenter[J]. Cluster Computing, 2018: 114.

  5. Wang Shuo, Karmoshi Saleem, Saleh Fekri, Alhusaini Naji , Li Jing, Zhu Ming, Hawbani Ammar. GANAVDC: Application-Aware with Bandwidth Guarantee in Cloud Datacenters[J]. Electronics, 2019, 8(3): 258.

  6. Wang S, Zhou Z, Zhang H, Li J. Nxt-Freedom: Considering VDC-Based Fairness in Enforcing Bandwidth Guarantees in Cloud Datacenter. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(21):7874.

  7. 周焱霞, 王硕, 陈珺, 张钊, 李京. 云环境下基于租户的虚拟机分层放置策略[J]. 电信科学, 2014, 30(11): 9398