邢 凯


电  话:(0551)

E- mail: kxing@ustc.edu.cn



邢凯,男,1981年7月生,博士,副教授。2003年于中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术系获学士学位后,进入乔治华盛顿大学计算机科学系学习,先后获硕士、博士学位。曾于国际货币基金组织供职,从事全球金融资本监控及数据挖掘的相关研究工作。曾担任IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC)、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC)、EURASIP、IEEE MASS等一系列国际期刊和会议的审稿人。

近年来合作出版著作两部,主要成果陆续发表于ACM Mobicom、ACM Mobihoc、IEEE INFOCOM、IEEE ICDCS、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering、Wireless Networks、JPDC、 WCMC等一系列计算机领域国际顶级学术会议和著名期刊。在国际主要学术刊物和学术会议上发表论文80余篇,其中有70多篇被SCI和EI收录,单篇他引次数最高达200次以上。



   1. 计算机网络相关,如未来网络理论、信息动力学、社交网络、物联网、互联网等

   2. 信息处理与挖掘相关,如大数据,数据挖掘,群智感知计算,压缩感知等

   3. 信息安全相关,如网络安全,数据安全、隐私保护、金融监控等 


   1. IC设计:信号采集,高速同步并行处理

   2. 操作系统:实时OS,Adroid,iOS,Linux

   3. 硬件开发:ARM,FPGA,DSP




   国外:CMU、哈佛、UT Austin、UCLA、香港科技大学、UMASS、UC Davis等国际名校


2. 所获奖励:





  1. 2013年Intel全球青年学者奖励(共22人),与来自普林斯顿、UC Berkeley、MIT、CMU等国际知名高校的教授一同入选,获 1 万 5 千美元个人科研奖励;

  2. 2012年CWSN最佳论文奖

  3. 2007年国家优秀自费留学生,获 5 千美元个人科研奖励

  4. 2006年国际会议 WASA'06 最佳论文奖


  1. Kai Xing, Shyaam Sundhar Rajamadam Srinivasan, Manny Rivera, Jiang Li, Xiuzhen Cheng, Attacks in Sensor Networks, to appear in Network Security

  2. Kai Xing and Xiuzhen Cheng, Location-Centric Storage and Query in Sensor Networks, accepted for publication in Wireless Networks

  3. Kai Xing and Xiuzhen Cheng, From Time Domain to Space Domain: Replica Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, to appear in IEEE INFOCOM’10

  4. Kai Xing, Fang Liu, Xiuzhen Cheng, and David H.C. Du, Real-time Detection of Clone Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks, to appear in The 28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS’08), Beijing, June 2008

  5. Kai Xing, Wei Cheng, E. K. Park, and Shmuel Rotenstreich, Distributed Connected Dominating Set Construction in Geometric k-Disk Graphs, to appear in The 28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS’08), Beijing, June 2008

  6. K. Xing, X. Cheng, L. Ma, and Q. Liang, Superimposed Code Based Channel Assignment in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks, in The 13th Annual ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MOBICOM’07), pp. 15-26, Sep 2007

  7. Kai Xing, Xiuzhen Cheng, Fang Liu, and Shmuel Rotenstreich, Location-Centric Storage for Safety Warning Based on Roadway Sensor Networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 336-345, March 2007

  8. Kai Xing, Dechang Chen, Donald Henson, and Xiuzhen Cheng, A Clustering-Based Approach to Predict Outcome in Cancer Patients, in The Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA’07), Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, pp. 541-546, December 2007

  9. Wei Cheng, Kai Xing, Xiuzhen Cheng, Xicheng Lu, Zexin Lu, Jinshu Su, Baosheng Wang, and Yujun Liu, Route Recovery in Vertex-Disjoint Multipath Routing for Many-To-One Sensor Networks, to appear in The 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC '08), Hong Kong, May 2008

  10. Chen, D., Xing, K., Henson, D., and Li, S., Group testing in the development of an expanded cancer staging system, in The Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA’08), 2008