

电  话: 0551-63602441

E- Mail: QLZheng@ustc.edu.cn 


主要研究方向:1、魂芯DSP C编译器研制 2、深度学习平台与应用研究



  1. “安徽省防灾减灾智能信息与决策支持系统”获国家科学技术进步二等奖,2001年

  2. “并行计算课程的创建及其辐射与示范作用”,国家级教学成果二等奖,2009年

  3. “并行计算课程的创建及其辐射与示范作用”,安徽省教学成果特等奖,2008年


1. Binbin Liu, Junfu Shen, Jiang Ming, Qilong Zheng, Jing Li, and Dongpeng Xu. MBA-Blast: Unveiling and Simplifying Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Obfuscation.

In the 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security21), 2021.

2. Binbin Liu, Weijie Feng, Qilong Zheng, Jing Li, and Dongpeng Xu.

Software Obfuscation with Non-Linear Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Expressions. International Conference on Information and Communications Security(ICICS21), 2021.

3. Dongpeng Xu, Binbin Liu, Weijie Feng, Jiang Ming, Qilong Zheng, Jing Li, and Qiaoyan Yu. Boosting SMT Solver Performance on Mixed-Bitwise-Arithmetic Expressions. In the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 21), 2021.

4. Weijie Feng, Binbin Liu, Dongpeng Xu, Qilong Zheng, and Yun Xu. NeuReduce: Reducing Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Expressions by Recurrent Neural Network. In the proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Findings, 2020.

5. Weijie Feng, Binbin Liu, Dongpeng Xu, Qilong Zheng, and Yun Xu. GraphMR: Graph Neural Network for Mathematical Reasoning. In the proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2021.

6. 刘彬彬凤维杰郑启龙李京神经网络化简非多项式混合布尔算术表达式

[J/OL]. 小型微型计算机系统: 1-7 [2023-01-29].

7. Jiangping Yang, Gai Wang, Maohui Lu, and Qilong ZhengAccelerating Backward Convolution of Convolutional Neural Networks on BWDSP, International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming.2018:163-170.

8. Deng Wenqi, Yang Zhenhao, Lu Maohui, Wang Gai, Yang JiangPing, and Zheng Qilong Speeding Up Convolution on Multi-cluster DSP in Deep Learning Scenarios, International Symposium on Parallel Architecture, Algorithm and Programming. Springer, Singapore, 2017: 493-503.

9. 杨振浩,郑启龙,邓文齐,王向前: “魂芯DSP高效访存并行FFT算法研究”。 小型微型计算机系统, 2018Vol.39, No.7, 1377-1380

10. 邓文齐,郑启龙,盛鑫,杨振浩:“分簇架构处理器上卷积并行计算算法的研究”,小型微型计算机系统,2018Vol.39No.3520-524