李 诚


电 话:(0551) 63603412



主要研究方向: 大规模、实时、高可用分布式系统 (Large-scale, Real-time and Highly available Distributed systems)

李诚博士 (英文名 Cheng Li),男,出生于1987年6月,现为中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术学院副教授。2009年获得南开大学计算机科学与技术学士学位,2016年获得德国马普学会软件系统所 (MPI-SWS)/萨尔大学(UdS)联合培养博士学位。曾任美国甲骨文公司瑞士苏黎世实验室 (Oracle Labs Swiss) 高级技术研究员,葡萄牙计算机系统工程研究所 (INESC-ID, Portugal) 副研究员。李诚研究员一直从事分布式计算、一致性模型、系统性能优化、容灾容错等方面的基础理论和系统构建的研究工作。其成果发表于包括OSDI,USENIX ATC,EuroSys等系统领域的知名国际会议上。曾担任SOSP Poster Session共同主席 (2017),国际会议APSys程序委员会委员 (2017),并参加CCF A类期刊TOS、TON以及其他一些知名国际会议ICAC、DSN等的论文审稿工作。


  1. Building Fast and Consistent (Geo-)Replicated Systems: from Principles to Practice. PhD Thesis. MPI-SWS/UdS, 2016.

  2. Geo-Replication: Fast If Possible, Consistent If Necessary. Valter Balegas, Cheng Li, Mahsa Najafzadeh, Daniel Porto, Allen Clement, Sergio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Johannes Gehrke, João Leitão, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues Marc Shapiro and Viktor Vafeiadis, In Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering. IEEE Computer Society. 2016. (equal contribution)

  3. Minimizing Coordination in Replicated Systems. Cheng Li, João Leitão, Allen Clement, Nuno Preguiça, and Rodrigo Rodrigues. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC 2015, collocated with EuroSys), Bordeaux, France, 2015.

  4. Visigoth Fault Tolerance. Daniel Porto, João Leitão, Cheng Li, Allen Clement, Aniket Kate, Flavio Junqueira, and Rodrigo Rodrigues. In Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2015), Bordeaux, France, 2015.

  5. Lower Bound and Correctness Proofs for Consensus in the Visigoth Model. Daniel Porto, João Leitão, Cheng Li, Allen Clement, Aniket Kate, Flavio Junqueira, and Rodrigo Rodrigues. Technical Report, Nova University of Lisbon, 2015.

  6. Automating the Choice of Consistency Levels in Replicated Systems. Cheng Li, João Leitão, Allen Clement, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues and Viktor Vafeiadis. In Proceedings of the 2014 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 2014), Philadelphia, PA, USA

  7. Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary. Cheng Li, Daniel Porto, Allen Clement, Johannes Gehrke, Nuno Preguiça, and Rodrigo Rodrigues. In Proceedings of the 10th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2012), Hollywood, CA, USA

  8. Finding Complex Concurrency Bugs in Large Multi-Threaded Applications. Pedro Fonseca, Cheng Li, and Rodrigo Rodrigues. In Proceedings of the 6th European Professional Society on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2011), Salzburg, Austria

  9. A study of the Internal and External Effects of Concurrency Bugs. Pedro Fonseca, Cheng Li, Vishal Singhal and Rodrigo Rodrigues. In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2010), Chicago, USA