李 曦


电  话:(0551)63601556






1.    1.唐立新教学名师奖,2018

2.    2.安徽省教学成果,一等奖,2010,排名第一


1.汪超;陈香兰;章博;李曦;王超;周学海,一种具有时间语义的实时处理器模型[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2021, 58(6):1176-1191.

2.Lei Gong, Chao Wang, Xi Li, Xuehai Zhou,Improving HW/SW Adaptability for Accelerating CNNs on FPGAs Through A Dynamic/Static Co-Reconfiguration Approach. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 32(7): 1854-1865 (2021)

3.Bo Wan, Xi Li, Bo Zhang, Caixu Zhao, Xianglan Chen, Chao Wang, and Xuehai Zhou, DCW: A Reactive and Predictable Programming Framework for LET-based Distributed Real-time Systems,ACM TRANS ON DESIGN AUTOMATION OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS,卷: 24期: 3,2019,SCI

4.Chen Bo, Li Xi, Zhou Xuehai. Model Checking of MARTE/CCSL Time Behaviors Using Timed I/O Automata[J]. Journal of Systems Architecture, v88,p120-125,2018,SCI

5.Wan B , Li X , Luo H , et al. Work-in-Progress: TTI: A Timing ISA for LET Model in Safety-Critical Systems[C]. Proceedings - Real-Time Systems Symposium,v2018,p363-365,2017,SCI

6.Wang C , Li X , Chen Y , et al. Service-Oriented Architecture on FPGA-Based MPSoC[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2017, 28(10):2993-3006. SCI

7.Wang C , Li X , Zhang H , et al. Hot spots profiling and dataflow analysis in custom dataflow computing SoftProcessors[J]. Journal of Systems & Software, 卷:125 期: 页:427-438,2016,SCI

8.Sun B , Li X , Wan B , et al. Definitions of predictability for Cyber Physical Systems[J]. Journal of Systems Architecture, 2016, 63:48-60. SCI

9.Zongwei Zhu, Xi Li, Chao Wang and Xuehai Zhou, “Memory Power Optimization on Different Memory Address Mapping Schemas”,,J. OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,32,1-25,2016,SCI

10.Guo Q , Li X , Wang C , et al. Evaluation and Tradeoffs for Out-of-Order Execution on Reconfigurable Heterogeneous MPSoC[J]. IEEE TRANS on VLSI SYSTEMS,24,79-91,2016,SCI